Denis has been involved in ecology and nature conservation for more than 30 years. He is a specialist in conducting habitat surveys, ecological impact assessments, habitat creation projects, biodiversity action plans and formulating management plans, particularly for urban sites. He also has a great interest in ancient woodland history and ecology particularly in lowland England.
♦ Denis has undertaken a variety of ecological work accomodating a wide-range of clients and participating in a variety of projects.
♦ Denis worked as Biodiversity Officer for Harrow Council between 2009 and 2016. Over this period his work included the provision of advice for the council with regards planning applications, formulating ten management plans for local wildlife sites and the production of a new Biodiversity Action Plan for the borough.
♦ Prior to this Denis worked for the multinational green design company EDAW plc (now AECOM Planning + Design) between 2007-9.
♦ Whilst at EDAW Denis worked on Bedford River Valley Park Design Guidance for the Forest of Marston Vale. The plan proposed a new 2.3 km long and 100m wide Olympic-sized rowing lake, supporting development and what would be England's largest new floodplain forest, as well as new multi-user paths, cycle trails, canoe courses and green energy projects like short rotation coppice.
♦ Previously Denis worked for the London Wildlife Trust (LWT) as Habitat Survey Manager supervising and carrying out habitat surveys for the Greater London Authority. Whilst working in this capacity Habitat Surveys of the L B Hackney, part of Havering, Barking & Dagenham, Camden, Waltham Forest, Lewisham, Merton and part of Enfield were conducted over the summer periods of 2001-7. Supervision/coordination of surveys of other London boroughs, canals and breeding birds of the capital's squares and gardens were also undertaken.
♦ Between 1994-2003 Denis managed the Ripple Nature Reserve and Dagenham Parish Churchyard in L B Barking and Dagenham for the LWT.
♦ In 1996, Denis kick-started work on 'biodiversity' in London when he produced the Regional Biodiversity Audit: Habitats in London for the London Biodiversity Partnership. This information was used in compiling the Partnership's London Biodiversity Audit vol. 1 (published in 2000).
♦ In 1994 he co-designed the Natural History Museum's Wildlife Garden (with Gary Grant and Mark Loxton) and subsequently formulated a management plan for the site's first three years.