Thames 21, 2021. Natural Flood Management Programme Bentley Priory (Harrow) and Park Wood (Hillingdon) ecological survey & report– work conducted in association with Salix Ecology.
Denis was commissioned by Thames21 to carry out an ecological monitoring programme of selected watercourses and associated features at Bentley Priory SSSI (in L B Harrow) and Park Wood (part of Ruislip Wood SSSI NNR in L B Hillingdon), in relation to works conducted in these areas. The works were undertaken by Thames21 and were designed to provide natural flood management in reducing flood risk and improve the environment, particularly in relation to features cited in the designation of the sites or any feature of potentially notable value. Works chiefly comprised a series of natural dams (built from fallen logs etc.) across streams which drain the sites. This would slow the flow of drainage water and help alleviate flooding in nearby or adjacent properties.
The report produced in 2021 was the final year of a four-year programme of ecological surveying / monitoring, a scheme started in 2018 and conducted by Paul Losse (of Salix Ecology) and Denis. The scheme would help identify changes and establish any trends in floristics resulting from natural flood management works.