Thames Chase Trust, 2023. Ecological survey of Dagnam Park & Hatters Wood
Ecological survey to support management and extension of Dagnam Park & Hatters Wood Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation M151.
Denis was commissioned by Thames Chase Trust to carry out a detailed habitat survey of Dagnam Park and associated green space. The site had an overall area of 148.1ha which included the grounds of the old manor (62.7ha) and old farmland and The Osier (a woodland) (85.4ha).
The survey work included:
Describing the habitats recorded on site and associated fauna including field signs.
Identifying features which have the potential to support priority / protected species.
Confirming the ecological value of the site’s current Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) and assessing the ecological value of the proposed extensions and placing them within the relevant geographical context.
Evaluating ecological resources / features on site and placing these in the appropriate geographical context following standard CIEEM guidance on ecological impact assessment.
Advising on any additional (phase 2) ecological surveys which may be required to further inform current knowledge of the site’s ecology.
Considering potential problems regarding the site’s current management and suggest appropriate management for the site’s more important habitats.