Client: Crews Hill Golf Course, 2022. Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (using UKHab methodology)
Denis was commissioned by Crews Hill Golf Club to carry out a preliminary ecological appraisal (PEA) of Crews Hill Golf Course in the London Borough of Enfield. The land is owned by the London Borough of Enfield and held under long-term lease by Crews Hill Golf Club.
Enfield Council’s Draft Local Plan and Policies Map shows a large part of the existing golf course area as lying within an Indicative location for housing led areas in the Green Belt. Overall, including associated areas, approximately 3,000 dwellings are suggested. These would be delivered over the next ten years or so.
The survey work included:
Assessing the site’s potential to support protected habitats or species.
Reassessing the site’s current ecological value as a site of nature conservation importance in London and placing it within the relevant geographical context.
Evaluating ecological resources / features on site and placing these in the appropriate geographical context.
Commenting on possible biodiversity off-setting should a housing led development take place on land currently occupied by the golf course.
Advising on any additional (phase 2) ecological surveys which may be required to more fully inform current knowledge of the site’s ecology.
Drawing conclusions as to the appropriateness of any housing led development on Crews Hill Golf Course with regards the site’s ecology.