Friends of Woolwich Common, 2022. Survey and Management plan - Woolwich Common
Denis was commissioned by the Friends of Woolwich Common to undertake a habitat survey of Woolwich Common. Overall, 44.7ha of chiefly woodland, scrub, roughland and grassland were reviewed. The site is currently designated as of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation in Royal Borough of Greenwich. The land surveyed was wholly owned and maintained by the MoD but largely given over to public use.
The survey included:
Recording all vascular plant types found on site and their relative abundance.
Recording readily identifiable fauna particularly birds, butterflies and Odonata.
Identification of plant species of particular note or rarity and placing them in a geographic context, i.e., important locally, borough-wide, in Greater London and nationally.
Identification of invasive species listed under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the London Invasive Species Initiative (LISI).
Identification of habitat types present and an assessment of their extent and quality.
Production of a baseline survey to help inform a programme of appropriate ecological management for the site.
Production of a five-year management plan.